Thursday, November 25, 2010
Reflecting on all the things that I am thankful today for....I am thankful that I have a wonderful dad that adopted me and has treated me like one of his own. I am thankful that I have a wonderful husband who at times challenges my patience. I have three dogs that truly make me laugh and swear sometimes on a daily basis. I have a job that I love and challenges me on a daily basis. I have co-workers that make me want to come to work cuz that are truly amazing caring people. I have close friends that I can lean on in times of need. I hope that today finds you pondering that you are thankful for. I hope today finds you celebrating those things with friends and family..
Thursday, November 11, 2010
To my Poppy
Jack Auld, my grandpa, passed away last week. Many of you may have known him. He was a great man, father, friend and grandfather. He lived to the age of 90 with his wife Olga of 68 years. Can you imagine? He lived a full life and when my uncle asked him if he filled his bucket list and he said yes.
I did not get to see him as much as I would have liked to. He lived in Delaware and I lived in North Dakota for the past 28 years. The times we did get to spend to together were memorable and valuable.
I always told him I thought I wanted to be a fisherwoman. Some of the best times were on his boat the Auld Lang Syne. We would head out to the bay or ocean and he always thought he knew where the spot was going to be that day. We sought flounder...sometimes we found them and other times we were skunked. Grandma would be singing--in hopes to "attract" the fish. I would be enjoying the gentle rock of the boat and waiting for the fish. We always packed a lunch of pepper ham or "turkey-lurkey" sandwiches. Grandma was always the first to pull out the lunch and say, "Jack, are you ready for your sandwich" and quite honestly I think she also caught the most fish.
Fee, Fi, fo, fum I smell the blood of an englishmen,,be he live or be he dead I'll grind his bones and make his bread could often be heard as he tickled us and tucked us into bed.
He loved the outdoors and nature. He always had his bird feeders full and watched them for hours. He was always trying to figure out how to keep the squirrels out of the feeders. I am guessing he passed that onto my mom and then eventually to me.
He would also put out the crab pots. After an overnight of sitting he would pull then in. He would say, "Hey Sher look at some of these." He would clean them and we would have a grand feast. I sat with him a month ago for his 90th birthday. Although he did not put the pots out and catch and clean them--we had a grand feast. I sat next to him at the table and smiled and reflected of all of my memories with him. He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye and said, "Just like you remember at the beach, Sher?' I said, "Yes poppy. Are you going to the be last one cracking or am I?" He gave me the twinkle in the eye and a smile. That is the memory that I will take with me as the years pass.
You did it "your way" poppy....................
I did not get to see him as much as I would have liked to. He lived in Delaware and I lived in North Dakota for the past 28 years. The times we did get to spend to together were memorable and valuable.
I always told him I thought I wanted to be a fisherwoman. Some of the best times were on his boat the Auld Lang Syne. We would head out to the bay or ocean and he always thought he knew where the spot was going to be that day. We sought flounder...sometimes we found them and other times we were skunked. Grandma would be singing--in hopes to "attract" the fish. I would be enjoying the gentle rock of the boat and waiting for the fish. We always packed a lunch of pepper ham or "turkey-lurkey" sandwiches. Grandma was always the first to pull out the lunch and say, "Jack, are you ready for your sandwich" and quite honestly I think she also caught the most fish.
Fee, Fi, fo, fum I smell the blood of an englishmen,,be he live or be he dead I'll grind his bones and make his bread could often be heard as he tickled us and tucked us into bed.
He loved the outdoors and nature. He always had his bird feeders full and watched them for hours. He was always trying to figure out how to keep the squirrels out of the feeders. I am guessing he passed that onto my mom and then eventually to me.
He would also put out the crab pots. After an overnight of sitting he would pull then in. He would say, "Hey Sher look at some of these." He would clean them and we would have a grand feast. I sat with him a month ago for his 90th birthday. Although he did not put the pots out and catch and clean them--we had a grand feast. I sat next to him at the table and smiled and reflected of all of my memories with him. He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye and said, "Just like you remember at the beach, Sher?' I said, "Yes poppy. Are you going to the be last one cracking or am I?" He gave me the twinkle in the eye and a smile. That is the memory that I will take with me as the years pass.
You did it "your way" poppy....................
Sunday, September 20, 2009
August and September
As the summer comes to an end...actually the past week seems to be the most summer we have had. My dad came to visit in August. He spent about a week with us. I had a great time with him. I am so lucky to have him.
Stephen continues his residency at the VA. I call it the rollercoaster residency as I feel he has a love hate relationship with it. It is a very time consuming adventure.
I, on the other hand, continue to work in the ER. I did another t-system adventure to California. It was a good time with great people.
Monte has been a handful as one can imagine. He has managed to eat a hole in the leather couch after being locked in the house cuz the neighbor complained the three were barking....Don't get me wrong...I was upset, but the damage was done and I was miles away in California, of course. Otherwise, Monte continues to be the love and sometime hate of our life. Sam and Quincy remain status quo.
My grandpa is ill in the hospital with pneumonia. He just had his 90th!!
Reflection time:
The people we love come in and out of our lives. Often when they are gone we wish we had just one or two more minutes with them. Even if we had that time we would want more. We want this time because they must have left an impression on us. As I reflect today, I often think of my mom on a daily basis. I think of how she raised me and how much the day to day things I do are based on how she affected me and touched my soul. I often think of if i just had one more day with her, but what I need to realize is that she is with me every day as she is part of me. Love ya, mom
Stephen continues his residency at the VA. I call it the rollercoaster residency as I feel he has a love hate relationship with it. It is a very time consuming adventure.
I, on the other hand, continue to work in the ER. I did another t-system adventure to California. It was a good time with great people.
Monte has been a handful as one can imagine. He has managed to eat a hole in the leather couch after being locked in the house cuz the neighbor complained the three were barking....Don't get me wrong...I was upset, but the damage was done and I was miles away in California, of course. Otherwise, Monte continues to be the love and sometime hate of our life. Sam and Quincy remain status quo.
My grandpa is ill in the hospital with pneumonia. He just had his 90th!!
Reflection time:
The people we love come in and out of our lives. Often when they are gone we wish we had just one or two more minutes with them. Even if we had that time we would want more. We want this time because they must have left an impression on us. As I reflect today, I often think of my mom on a daily basis. I think of how she raised me and how much the day to day things I do are based on how she affected me and touched my soul. I often think of if i just had one more day with her, but what I need to realize is that she is with me every day as she is part of me. Love ya, mom
Sunday, July 12, 2009
May, June and July
Update overdue
Stephen graduated from pharmacy school in May. He spent a few hundred hours studying for boards. I am happy to report he passed. Yah for both of us. We took a little vacation to the cities to regroup before he startes his residency at the VA. I took an adventure to Alabama to help a facility implement the T-system. It is a computer charting system for emergency rooms. It was a great adventure for me.
The hounds update
Monte is a cute little guy. He should hav been named houdini as he has escaped the yard twice. We now have several baracades throughout the yard.
Sam had a bought of a bad cough. Had two rounds of antibiotics and now seems to be back to normal
Quincy..well nothing to report
Stephen graduated from pharmacy school in May. He spent a few hundred hours studying for boards. I am happy to report he passed. Yah for both of us. We took a little vacation to the cities to regroup before he startes his residency at the VA. I took an adventure to Alabama to help a facility implement the T-system. It is a computer charting system for emergency rooms. It was a great adventure for me.
The hounds update
Monte is a cute little guy. He should hav been named houdini as he has escaped the yard twice. We now have several baracades throughout the yard.
Sam had a bought of a bad cough. Had two rounds of antibiotics and now seems to be back to normal
Quincy..well nothing to report
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Well, Stephen is now a graduate of pharmacy. He has been intensely studing for his boards with an occasional movie here and there. I am not sure if he is excited about being done as the boards are now weighing heavy on his mind. It was our three year anniversary on Tuesday. We spent it apart. It was weird. We were supposed to take a trip to see my dad, but the practical boards were scheduled at the same time. Hence, I am in Florida and he is in Fargo. I turned 35 this month. I spent the day traveling to Florida.
On the homefront, Monte has learned to escape under the fence and Sam has been a little under the weather. He has had a bad cough that may need to be scoped.....ugh
On the homefront, Monte has learned to escape under the fence and Sam has been a little under the weather. He has had a bad cough that may need to be scoped.....ugh
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009
I have been glued to the radio. Not by choice. We have moved most everything out of the basement. That includes the TV. Stephen and I have spent many hours listening to KFGO. It has brought a sense of pride to live in Fargo and watch everyone help each other and fight the Red River. It is quite emotional to think about the big picture.
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